Monday, August 15, 2011

Nursery Ministry

As our new quarter starts we will also be staffing our church nursery with attendants during worship. In considering this service opportunity, check out what this blogger had to say about working in the Nursery. This post came from

7 Reasons Why Your Church Nursery Service Is Vital To Your Church

church nurseryReason #1
God is in the church nursery. This may come as a shock, but the Bible has specific promises about God’s presence when children are welcomed and loved in Jesus’ name. You can read my article about this titled God Is In The Church Nursery.
Reason #2
Your service in the church nursery allows church goers to focus on worship, rather than worrying about their children. In a very real sense you ministry makes it possible for the pastor to fulfill his ministry.
Reason #3
The first (and sometimes lasting) feelings a child will have toward church is formed in the nursery department. While not everyone agrees, I believe that a positive experience in the church nursery is essential.
Reason #4
When you serve in the nursery, you are being entrusted with the most important (and vulnerable) members of the church family. There is no greater treasure on this side of heaven than the little ones God has given us. You must be someone special to have a job that is so important.
Reason #5
Your service is essential for your own spiritual growth. You may have never looked at it this way, but a growing Christian is always a servingChristian. Jesus was known for putting others first, when you serve in the church nursery you are walking in his example.
Reason #6
The church nursery is the first contact young families will have with your church. Your friendly greeting and exceptional care for their children can make a great first impression for your church. If they don’t feel like their children are safe, they will not return – and rightly so.
Reason #7
Your service in the church nursery is a powerful opportunity for prayer. If every nursery worker would spend several minutes praying over the children in their care, imagine how God might begin to change this coming generation. There is no better way to create an environment of spiritual nurture than to pray while you serve in the nursery.

Christmas Pageant

We are going to begin rehearsals for the Christmas Pageant this year. If your children are interested in playing a part please see Ms. Gwen or Ms. Sabrina for more information.

The children will be rehearsing the play and learning the songs on Wednesday nights at 6:30. In place of our regular children's wed. night class we will have a short devotional time and then spend the rest of the hour practicing for the pageant.

If you child would like to participate without playing a part they may also help with costuming and props. We are looking forward to a great play this year, and starting early so that we have plenty of time to easily learn our parts.

National Night Out

This week we set up a booth at National Night Out. Our booth was buzzin' all evening with kids getting their facepainted and playing bean bag toss. Thanks so much for all who came out to help.  Hope all our kiddos got to enjoy the festivities it was such a fun night.

Fall Quarter Coming soon!

Kid's are getting ready to head back to school and we are getting ready for a new quarter of Sunday School here at OH Church of Christ. Our new quarter promises lots of fun with some great hands on experiences to learn about God's Word. We also have lots of babies at our church (even some brand new ones) and I am anxious to get our cradle roll class up and going again for them.

I am looking for an Elementary teacher for this new quarter. I want to pass on to you memory verse the kids are learning now. I pray that some of you will fearlessly step into this ministry so that you may pass God's Word on to our precious children.

"Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel." Ephesians 6:19

Friday, August 5, 2011

Inside OUT and Upside Down Memories!

I want to thank all of the wonderful volunteers that came out for Vacation Bible School. A special thanks goes to my planning committee who aren't all pictured in these photos. They worked so hard beforehand to make sure everything was set for VBS.

Check out pics of VBS at the link below
VBS slideshow